Time to Press Forward....

by John May

Last night, I decided to and bite the bullet and start on a new version of my website. To be clear, this website has been neglected for long stretches of time. It has not been updated in several months, and it suffers from unintentional yet cruel neglect.

Part of the reason for starting a new site is to force myself to invest some time and energy into this project. As a creative person, I understand how important it is to devote uninterrupted quality time to your art. The same applies to anything creative that you do, but the website is especially important because ir serves as a window into all that you do.

So as I come to the end of this year, I'm setting a goal to have the new site up and fully functional by the beginning of the new year. This website will showcase some of my creative endeavors including photography, writing, music, and maybe even some art. It's really been a while since I tried to do anything public with my drawings. I reserve the right to pull back on that one! LOL!

Make no bones about it, this won't be easy! I have my usual distractions, including family and work, but it's very important that I carve out a place for the things that invigorate and renew my soul. For me, that will be anything creative.

As a bonus, I'd like to approach some new area of creativity. I can't think of anything right off the top of my head, but I really do look forward to the possibilities that this new website will potentially inspire.

As always be true to yourself and your desires, and above all, Be Creative!

Creative Kryptonite

by John May

A few years ago, I realized that there are people who, without even trying, seem to sap my creativity. Spending time around them has a predictable effect on my creative output! My mind doesn't seem to function the same. It's not that kind of confusion that I experienced when the hottest girl in 12th grade had a (short-lived) crush on me, (even though I was a freshman, and I liked her sister). I digress. Suffice it to say that it's not like that at all! Sure, during that crush I was confused, but that was a warm and fuzzy kind of confusion. I didn't shut down creatively, I was just distracted. That was not Creative Kryptonite.

Creative Kryptonite leaves me not even wanting to play a note, write a lyric, or even sing a verse. It's a cold, gray confusion. I don't know if it's intentional, I don't even know nor how or why it seems work. I do know that I owe long stretches of creative inactivity to my close proximity to to these types of people. Fortunately, I think that if I can reduce this phenomenon to writing, I just may have a chance to overcome it! 

Short of coating them in military grade lead, (and there's no proof that this would work), I've got to find ways to shake off the effects that these anti-creatives seem to have on me. You can clean a cluttered room, adjust a bad chair, or replace a suspect pair of reading glasses. But what can you do with people? How do you mitigate their effect on you? The answer may be simple. Ignore them. Do not give them the power to alter your path. Proceed as if they did not just utter that mindless, meaningless comment. Create anyway. Forge ahead even with your badly formed ideas. They all deserve to live, right? Sometimes that idea that you were convinced was a stirring anthem turns out to be a kick-butt dance tune. Horrible as an anthem, respectable as a dance tune. Let it be.

Maybe the solution is to fight your way through, without giving credence to the obstacles that would otherwise stand in your way. Mental barriers are a lot kinder than physical ones. They can be resolved with a mental remedy. It's perfectly within your reach as a creative person to come up with a creative solution! The most important thing is to keep your feet moving. If you keep churning out ideas and projects, even if they're not your best work, then you stand a better chance to find the antidote to Creative Kryptonite!!